in Tech

Migrating Your Google Reader Feed

Do it now. It takes less than a minute.

Google Reader ranks high on my list of Apps I use the most often. I use an iOS and OS X app called Reeder that pulls all my Google Reader feeds and consolidates them into a really sleek user experience and interface. Google’s unfortunate decision to kill the Google Reader months ago, with the date it finally goes offline set on 1st July 2013, has definitely lead to me scrambling to find an alternative before the actual kill date.

I actually discovered a similar service, Feedly, that pretty much does everything Google Reader does. I managed to import all my feeds from Google Reader in one click and it really didn’t take much effort on my part at all. If you’re looking for a replacement for  Google Reader, I highly recommend using Feedly in the interim.

On hindsight, Google Reader’s death might not be that bad a thing after all. We might actually be on the receiving end of a whole lot of innovation and creative disruption as services desperately scramble in an attempt to fill the void that will be left behind.

R.I.P. Google Reader, it was good while it lasted.