in Productivity

Automation And Designing Friction Out Of Our Lives

It’s all about designing our environment

I’ve been spending an obscene amount of time on the computer, in my case a 2009 Macbook Pro, ever since I’ve started working and freelancing. It has gotten to the point where I’m now spending at least 10 hours on the computer every day. While I’m not sure how much of it is actually being spent productively, I definitely know that I have a ton of unoptimized workflows and distractions that steal time from me, slowly but surely.

Unoptimized Workflows

I like to lump stuff like an inefficient system of getting down to email inbox zero, trying too hard to multi-task on one screen, or even not knowing simple keyboard/application shortcuts, into the category of unoptimized workflows. Unoptimized workflows can easily be identified and optimized to streamline productivity.


The other category I like to lump stuff into would be that of distractions. Things that fall into this category would be the incessant checking of Facebook and Twitter, mindlessly surfing through the internet, or even refreshing email inboxes every five to ten minutes. Distractions in my opinion are also easily identifiable, but are harder to eliminate than unoptimized workflows because they require at least some form of self-discipline.

I’m a sucker for efficiency and productivity. In other words, to avoid inefficiency, I always try my best to stay focused. Ever since I’ve embarked on my drive towards efficiency and productivity, I’ve discovered a slew of methods that have helped me to either optimize my digital workflows or reduce the amount of distractions around me.

If you haven’t yet read my post on Effecting Change With The Elephant, The Rider And The Path, you really should because it tells you all about how we can design our environments to help shape our behaviours and overcome the stubbornness of our subconscious minds.

Automation & Removing Friction

Through the next few weeks, I’ll be blogging about how I’ve been automating a lot of my digital and offline processes, as well as about the tools and methods I’ve been using to design friction out of my life.

If you spend a lot of time on the computer, you’ll probably find this interesting and should follow me on Twitter, where my new posts are released.